We got Crayola Bath Dropz from one of her little friends. Pretty much what they do is "turn ordinary bath water into colorful, fizzy water" (according to their website). I don't know about the "fizzy" part; it does fizz from the "drop", but it doesn't turn her bath into one big tub of soda. In my opinion it's kind of like give my children a bath in the red sea (with the red drop)... but Charlotte loves it. She has pretty much doubled her time playing in the bath, which, as a bonus, wears her out and gets her ready for bed (score!).
"Red sea" bath |
Now, whenever I say "Bath time!!" Charlotte gets all excited and says "yellow, boo, yellow, boo, wed". Crayola Bath Dropz are a hit in my household!
Keep an eye out... tomorrow I'm sharing my crafty birthday gifts for this weekends birthday parties!

Ohhhh, I remember these a few years ago with my son. I forgot all about them, I will have to pick some more up because now he would be old enough to actually enjoy them!