Thursday, March 24, 2011

Color bath dropz - Product Review

As you know we just had Charlotte's 2nd birthday part. We were so blessed to spend her birthday party(ies) with so many friends and family. This resulted in our house being overrun by brand new toys and other fun stuff to check out.

We got Crayola Bath Dropz from one of her little friends. Pretty much what they do is "turn ordinary bath water into colorful, fizzy water" (according to their website). I don't know about the "fizzy" part; it does fizz from the "drop", but it doesn't turn her bath into one big tub of soda. In my opinion it's kind of like give my children a bath in the red sea (with the red drop)... but Charlotte loves it. She has pretty much doubled her time playing in the bath, which, as a bonus, wears her out and gets her ready for bed (score!).

"Red sea" bath
 I must admit, however, the blue is pretty neat.
Now, whenever I say "Bath time!!" Charlotte gets all excited and says "yellow, boo, yellow, boo, wed". Crayola Bath Dropz are a hit in my household!

Keep an eye out... tomorrow I'm sharing my crafty birthday gifts for this weekends birthday parties!

1 comment:

  1. Ohhhh, I remember these a few years ago with my son. I forgot all about them, I will have to pick some more up because now he would be old enough to actually enjoy them!


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