The Rules:
1. You must post the rules.
2. Post eleven fun facts about yourself on the blog post.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and then create eleven new questions to ask the people you've tagged.
4.Tag eleven people and link them on your post
5. Let them know you've tagged them!
11 Fun Facts
1. I was born in England
2. I am the only lefty on either side of my family as far back as we know
3. I do not like baseball, but I played softball in high school. Actually, I didn't like watching softball either. BORING!
4. My phone number in my dorm room in college was 555-TEAL (no I know, not 555... but still, someone must have that same number now) and I used to give my number out to every single guy because it was so easy to remember (my roommate was not amused) and I liked guys calling
5. I do not have any tattoos... nor do I ever want one. Oh, and I am only pierced once in each ear and no where else.
6. I met my husband by going on a date (or two) with his best friend/roommate... and this best friend/roommate ended up being a groomsman in our wedding
7.I am an Alpha Chi Omega Alumnae (and I am still active with the local chapter) - LITB
8. I don't care how the rest of my house looks as long as my kitchen counter is decluttered and clean (in my eyes that a successful cleaning)
9. I am the youngest in my family and have 2 older brothers, yet I was the first to get married AND have a baby.
10. I have a hard time saying "no" to stuff. For example, this year I am a chair for my Junior League committee (after I vowed not to chair again), I am the VP of my daughters preschool parent teacher committee, AND I help out with my local sorority chapter as an advisor.
11. I go through digital cameras (point and shoot) just about every 2 years. I REALLY need one of those shock-proof, water-proof, child-proof, and Stevie-proof ones!
1. What is your favorite TV show?
Hubby and do NOT miss NCIS or NCIS: LA; although when I have a moment to rest by myself (and I'm not blogging) I catch up on Once Upon a Time and PanAm.
2. One place you are dying to visit?
Ireland and (more local) California
3. Do you think money buys happiness?
No, but it helps :) I think I'm pretty dern happy with how hubby and I are doing. We know we'll never be millionaires, especially with me staying at home with the girls, and we are ok with that. I'd like to think that if we ever won the loto we would (a) not tell anyone and (b) be reasonable and smart with it.
4. Cat or Dog?
CAT!! oooooooooooh so cat! We have 2, however we also have one HUGE laboradoodle named Duke.
5. Are you a beach girl or city girl? Why?
Hmmm I would say neither. I grew up outside NYC and liked day trips, but could NEVER live there like some of my friends do. I now live by the ocean but we aren't there nearly as much as we should. I prefer suburbs... in the Carolinas if I had my wish.
6. What is your guilty pleasure?
Oooh tough one. Entering giveaways, stupid I know. As for food... it would be doritos with melted cheddar on top (yes, weird but OH so good).
7. Werewolves or Vampires?
Not gonna lie, there's downsides to both... but I think Jacob is way hotter than Edward so I'll lean towards Vampires (although I don't think Professor Lupin of Harry Potter is that hot so I dunno)
8. Where is your favorite place to shop?
Target probably... ooh no I take that bath. William-Sonoma (if only they weren't so derned expensive!)
9. If you could have dinner with anyone living or dead who would it be? Why?
Probably my desceased Grandpa; my family began to take videos of him telling stories of the family on the farm and they are so fascinating!
10. Do you think you should have been born in a different time period? Which one?
Sometimes I do, like when I see Pride and Prejudice and other "old timey" movies... I wish I lived back then. BUT then I remember that it was hard and it was "Easy" if you were born into a rich family, but if not... not so much. So I think I'm pretty good. I do wish we had more "skills" that they did... too much TV nowadays. I wish I could sew, play the piano, sing, needlepoint, etc.
11. Why did you start blogging?
The urge just hit. I probably should have started a year earlier when hubby was deployed but I did it at the end. Some of my friends call me "martha stewart" although that's probably because they don't surf some of the crafty blogs out here... I got nothing on them, so I decided to "show off" all my projects. Little did I know I wasn't very good OR clever. lol. It's fun now!
My Questions for you ladies are:
1. Look back 10 years, is your life where you thought it would be?
2. When do you fit blogging in?
3. How often to you cook dinner?
4. What kind of music do you listen to?
5. Do you have any pets?
6. What is your favorite thing to do at the beach?
7. If you were stuck on a dessert island, what book would you bring?
8. Do you prefer going to bars or clubs?
9. What is your ideal date night?
10. Where would you go on your next vacation if money were not an issue?
11. What is your FAVORITE all time meal?