What fun did Lizzie have during month 10?
Halloween party and trick or treating
Visit Mommy and Daddy's Alma Mater - Go Clemson!
Stay with Gigi and Popop in Georgia
Busch Gardens
How is Lizzie sleeping?
Same as usual, bed between 8:30 and 9, then up at 7/7:30
She has 1-2 naps a day
What is Lizzie eating?
100% formula, food pouches, ANYTHING she can get her hands on
Peanut butter (oops... thanks mimi; "She can have peanut butter right?" "um... no, not til like 2". Woops!)
Loves eggs and waffles
Major milestones!
Walking like it's her job!
5th tooth is popping through (her 3rd top front tooth)
Tries to follow her sisters by climbing up slides and she loves sliding down too (with help)

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