Jillian Ann, Jillie for short, was born today at 1:24pm after just 3 hours at the hospital. She measured in at 7lbs 8oz and was 19 3/4 inches long.
I woke up early in the morning thinking that maybe my water had broken (it had). I got showered and ready for my day. Woke Charlotte up, fed her breakfast, and got her ready for school. I then informed my husband that we were both going to drop Charlotte off at school and then head to the hospital.We said goodbye to Charlotte at 9am (our last time with her being an only child... yeah, I was emotional at the time... I teared up), then we headed over to the doctors office which was right across from the hospital. When the doctor saw us he immediately said that 'yes, my water had broken' and that I was indeed in labor and moving along quickly. In fact, he told us that he'd probably 'swing on over and deliver me on his lunch break'. I asked him if we needed to head over to the hospital then and he told me, 'well, not if you don't want to have the baby there'. Ok... so it may have sounded like a stupid question, but what i was really asking was if we could drive 5 minutes home to our house and pick up the CAMERA which had been left there.
... so we went straight to the hospital, much to my dismay, and got there at about 10:20am to check in. We got situated in the room and Hubby called his mom to ask her to pick Charlotte up from school because we were slightly busy (oh and we asked her to swing by the house to get my camera).
A few hours later, and a little worse for ware without any pain meds (.... turns out my doc isn't a huge fan of the epidural because it takes away the 'push'), I hear "mommy.... mommy...... mommy" coming down the hall; I put on a happy face and my mother-in-law and Charlotte get to the room to say hi and bring my camera (woo hoo!). At this point, I'm in pain... it's about 1230pm and I delivered at 1:24pm... you do the math... anyway, so Charlotte comes in and sees mommy visibly in pain on a strange bed and she no doubt is freaked out! Poor child! After a few minutes my mother-in-law takes the confused and scared Charlotte out of the room.
At this point I tell the nurse to beg my doc to get me the epidural... and long story short (ok... so only slightly shorter) I get the epidural, am rolled to my side for monitoring purposes, the epidural goes down the outside of my one leg only!! And about 10 minutes later I tell everyone that I have to push. They check and indeed, it's time... 3 contractions later Jillie is born!