
Friday, February 17, 2012

{Pinned there, Done that} Apple Cinnamon Crescents

I completed another pin, woo hoo!!

How yummy do these Apple Cinnamon Crescent Rolls that Lindsey over at Love, Lindsey shared on her blog look? Awesome right?! 

Src: Love, Lindsay

Clearly, I did not take any pictures before they were devoured which is why 
the picture that Lindsey so kindly posted is also posted on my blog. My bad.
 Well, they are.

I made these beauties for my Friday Morning Ladies Bible Study last week and they were a HUGE hit!  Super easy too.

I peeled and sliced the apple, soaked them in OJ so as not to get brown, and then wrapped them up with cinnamon and sugar and popped them in the oven.

12 minutes later I tossed them in a serving bowl and walked out the door.

I highly recommend this recipe. Super yummy!

Linking up: Naptime CraftersFinger Prints onthe Fridge, Delicate ConstructionPocket Full of Pink, 
Ladybird LnFinding my way in Texas, Crafty Moms ShareYoung and Crafty, Creating my way to Success




  1. These look Delish! I'd love it if you'd link up to my Pinned it, Made it! Party over at! Its for all pinterest inspired projects :)

  2. Good grief, the 3rd yummy crescent roll recipe I have come across today, when I have a can in my fridge right now! How do I decide which one to make? This one DOES look yummy

  3. Yum, these look so yummy, crescent roll recipes are so fun!

  4. Stevie,

    Thanks for participating in the blog hop!
    Wishing you well on your bloggy adventures.
    New Follower :)


  5. Sounds delicious!! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday! Have a great week!!

  6. Thanks for sharing I am totally trying this!

  7. Featuring these! Thanks for linking up to Pinned it, Made it! Be sure to drop by and grab a button :)

  8. They look lovely and sound nice and easy to make too!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a fabulous week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success
